Antique Fern Prints – a recent DIY
I love looking through the piles of old prints at Scott’s Antique Market each month. There are so many pretty ones in all colors and sizes. Butterflies, eggs, children’s prints, interior design, nudes, foliage, flowers, etc.
I grabbed 6 great looking ferns from the $10 table a few months ago, and finally got around to framing them myself, and hanging them too.
I started with the fern print and some inexpensive frames I found at the dollar store.
And used a basket weave grass cloth fabric as a sort of backing to the prints for texture. I secured them with double sided tape and trimmed the edges of the fabric, leaving the edges of the fern prints as they were when they came from the original book.
Now, they hang below by entertaining supplies in my laundry room! I love how they make this room feel a bit more like a fun space than a utility room. 🙂
Have you tackled any DIY projects lately?